Past Projects
In the past, we have worked with numerous Midland County nonprofits. Following are a few examples of projects we have conducted:
- Senior Assets for Optimal Living: In 2014, we worked with Senior Services of Midland County to Develop a list of attributes the improve the quality of life for senior citizens, and conducted a survey of local seniors to identify overall well-being of our senior population and unmet needs. We repeated the survey in 2019 to see changes over time.
- The ROCK Center for Youth Development: As far back as 2014, we have supported The ROCK by conducting the Developmental Assets Survey for their programs. These surveys have given The ROCK data needed to show the effectiveness of their programs.
- Little Forks Conservancy: In 2018, we helped create a program evaluation for the Nature/Nurture program at Little Forks Conservancy that showed both knowledge gains about nature and the environment, as well as gains in well-being of youth in the program.